Cwmbran High School aspires to be a fully inclusive school that supports all our pupils, including those with Additional Learning Needs (ALN). Person centred practice that really values the views of pupils, parents and other partners is central to this. As a result of this process we aim to ensure that the support, guidance and interventions that we offer are implemented and monitored in order to meet the needs of all of our learners. Additional Learning Needs legislation in Wales is changing, and this is known as the Additional Learning Needs and Education Tribunal (Wales) Reform. At Cwmbran High School we are working hard to implement these changes effectively and look forward to the additional support that this will bring for our learners with additional learning needs.
The law is changing for several reasons:
- The child or young person’s needs might be found too late
- The support might be provided to the young person too late
- The current system can be complicated to understand
- The law only currently covers children and young people up to the age of 19
The new legislation for ALN will bring about several main changes for ALN. It:
- Brings together all current systems into a new, single system for ALN
- Is pupil centred, where young people and their parents are completely involved in decision making
- Provides learners with the same type of statutory plan (Individual Development Plan or IDP), irrespective of age or setting
- Improves transition between settings
- Allows further Welsh language provision
- Is a fair and transparent system for all.
Supporting information is available for parents and learners about how the changes will affect learners and their families (available in English and Welsh).
In addition to the information that you can get from us at school and from the local authority, SNAP Cymru are an independent advocacy group where you might be able to find information if you require this. Information can be found at
SNAP Cymru provides information, advice and support for parents, children and young people who have, or may have, special educational needs or disabilities.
English ALN Reform Easy Read Guide:
English ALN Reform FAQs:>
English ALN Reform Pupil/Parent Information Sheet:

Mr S. Miller

Mrs C. Payne
Teacher in Charge of ASD Base

Miss M Pitt

Miss T Waldron
Miss A. Garvie

Mrs K. McHallam
Pedagogical Lead for ALN

Ms J. Ayling
HLTA - Dosbarth Tyfu

Mrs K. Moseley
HLTA – ALNCo Support

Mr J. Griffin
Teacher of the Deaf

Mr S. Strickland

Mrs R. Spokes

Mrs R. Lawrence

Mrs T. Bowyer

Mrs K. Ayling
HLTA - Pastoral & Wellbeing

Mrs L. Shalaby
HLTA - IRU Tutor

Mrs K. Davies
HLTA - Tutor