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Grant Expenditure

All grant expenditure is designed to support specific areas of the school's work, against local, regional and national priorities. 

How our grant is spent
At Cwmbran High, our plan for using grant allocations from Welsh Government is integrated into our school improvement plan (SIP). Our three overarching priorities (2023 - 2024) linked to

  • Learning and Teaching;
  • Wellbeing; and
  • Leadership

Pupil Development Grant
The Pupil Development Grant (PDG) is designed to support improving outcomes and provision for students eligible for free school meals (eFSM) and looked after children (LAC). The PDG is intended to help overcome this additional barrier which prevent learners from disadvantaged backgrounds achieving their full potential.

The total allocation of PDG to this school is £347,300. The school undertakes the following activities in order to support pupils facing the challenges of poverty and deprivation

  • Bespoke Skills based courses;
  • Literacy programme;
  • Numeracy programme;
  • Monitoring & tracking of students (and provide bespoke intervention activities);
  • Targeted support for identified students within Tyfu;
  • Bespoke learning experiences designed to engage; and
  • Strategies to support the monitoring and tracking of eFSM students.

The strategies implemented by the school are drawn upon the most effective practice and educational research from organisations such as Sutton Trust, which includes well-evidenced interventions as part of a whole-school strategy.